Get OAuth Token

Learn how to request for an OAuth Token.


Request for OAuth Credentials

An OAuth Token is needed to access the following additional features and to perform specific operations: 

  1. Companies who are interested to use the above additional features and specific operations in your applications, are required to submit the online OAuth application form here
  2. If your company's OAuth application is approved, TIH will send your ClientId (also known as API key) and ClientSecret (also known as OAuth key) to your company's registered email address provided in the application form. The OAuth key will be tied to your company and the registered email address.
  3. The ClientId and ClientSecret will be used to request for an OAuth Token.


Get OAuth Token

This applies to the following APIs: 

Check out the API User Guide - Using TIH APIs on the developer portal to learn how you can use your OAuth Token and perform specific operations.


Refresh OAuth Token

If your OAuth Token had expired, a new OAuth Token can be obtained.

To learn more about obtaining a new OAuth token, check out the API User Guide - Using TIH APIs on the developer portal.

